Health & Safety
Anti - Harassment Policy
The San Francisco Lacrosse Club (SFLC) is committed to providing a safe experience for all our youth players, member families, volunteers, coaches, officials and staff free of harassment, including abuse, threat, and intimidation, and follows the USA Lacrosse guidelines to prevent harassment (see: Harassment includes any unwelcome conduct, verbal or physical, based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or identity, education, or disability. Harassment also includes interference with a participant’s engagement with the game of lacrosse, and actions or statements that create a hostile or abusive environment.
SFLC’s harassment policy applies to any party involved in an activity or event organized or hosted by the SFLC. The SFLC will take swift and appropriate corrective or disciplinary action to address incidents of harassment which are prohibited by our policy regardless of whether the harassment violates federal or state law.
Participants who believe that they have been subjected to, or have witnessed, harassing conduct should report the matter promptly to the SFLC's President SFLC will work to ensure that participants who are victims of alleged harassing conduct are free of any further misconduct, and shall prohibit retaliation against any member for making a good-faith report of harassing conduct, for cooperating with or participating in any investigation of alleged harassing conduct, or otherwise engaging in protected activity. All information provided to the SFLC shall be maintained on a confidential basis to the greatest extent possible.
Concussion and Return to Play Protocol:
1. All coaches will be provided with a copy of our Coaches Action Plan for Concussions which has been formulated by the CDC. Note this document includes commons signs and symptoms of concussions.
2. If any athlete is suspected of suffering a concussion or other head injury, immediately remove the athlete from play for the day of the injury.
3. As soon as possible, inform the athlete's parents or guardians of the suspected concussion or injury.
4. Prior to allowing the athlete to resume any Riptide practices or games, the athlete must be evaluated by a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussions. The athlete may only return to play with written permission from the licensed health care professional. (Documentation must be on official medical practice letter head, with wet signature and unconditional clearance to return to play).