Fall Ball 2023
Fall Ball 2023
What to Expect
8 Sessions
Each session will include a combination of skill building drills & small sided games
K* to 2nd: 2 - 3 pm (Sundays, September 10 - October 29 @ Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep Practice Field)
High School: Noon - 1:30 pm (Saturdays: Sept 9 - Oct. 28 @ Paul Goode Field)
3rd - 8th Grade: 1:30 - 3:00 pm (Saturdays: Sept 9 - Oct. 28 @ Paul Goode Field)
K* to 2nd: 1 -2 pm (Sundays, September 10 - October 29 @ Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep Practice Field)
3rd- 8th Grade: 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 pm (Saturdays: Sept 9 - Oct. 28 @ Paul Goode Field)
High School: 4:30 - 6:00 pm (Saturdays: Sept 9 - Oct. 28 @ Paul Goode Field)
Additional Information
Cost: $350 ($325 early bird by August 15; $300 for new players)
For financial assistance, please email our Admin
*K or "KinderCross" is an introduction to lacrosse. This is a Co-Ed, non contact instructional clinic. It will be played with softballs to introduce young players to lacrosse in a safe and fun way.